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Kakori kand action? What is Kakori kand action?

Kakori Train Conspiracy now renamed to Kakori Train Action

The Uttar Pradesh government has changed the name of 'Kakori Conspiracy (Scandal)' to

'Kakori Train Action'.

The Yogi government of Uttar Pradesh has changed the name of 'Kakori incident' to 'Kakori Train Action'. British historians had added 'Kand' to the name of this important event related to India's freedom struggle, which shows a sense of humiliation. Therefore, the Uttar Pradesh government, terming the Kakori incident as a train action, erased the word 'scandal' forever.

what is kakori scandal? What is Kakori kand?

The Kakori Kand (English: Kakori conspiracy) was a historical event of the revolutionaries of the Indian freedom struggle plundering the treasury of the British government to buy weapons with the desire to wage a fierce war against the British Raj, which happened on 9 August 1925. Ram Prasad Bismil had planned to rob the British government's treasury during the meeting held in Shahjahanpur of the need for immediate arrangement of funds to give impetus to the freedom movement being run by the revolutionaries. 

According to this plan, Rajendranath Lahiri, a prominent member of the party, stopped the "Eight Down Saharanpur-Lucknow Passenger Train" from Kakori railway station in Lucknow district on 9 August 1925 by pulling the chain and Ashfaq Ulla Khan, under the leadership of revolutionary Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil, With the help of Pandit Chandrashekhar Azad and 6 other associates, raiding the entire Iron Path Gamini looted the government treasury. Later, the British government launched a case on a total of 40 revolutionaries of his party Hindustan Republican Association for waging armed war against the emperor, looting the government treasury and killing passengers, in which Rajendranath Lahiri, Pandit Ram Prasad Bismil, Ashfaq Ulla Khan and Thakur Roshan Singh were killed. -Dand (the death penalty) was pronounced. In this case, 16 other revolutionaries were punished with a minimum sentence of 4 years to a maximum of black water (imprisonment for life).Rahul Bheramore

kakori action 9 August 1925

The Kakori massacre that took place on August 9, 1925 is always known to the revolutionaries like Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaq Ulla Khan, Rajendra Prasad Lahiri and many others. Then the revolutionaries associated with the Hindustan Republic Association (HRA) carried out this incident.
This incident is related to the train robbery that started from Kakori on 9 August 1925. The agitators had planned to rob this train. When the train was about 8 miles from Lucknow, then three revolutionaries sitting in it stopped the train and looted the government treasury.

The freedom fighters used German mousers for this and looted four thousand rupees from the treasury of the British government. Ramprasad Bismil, Ashfaq Ullah Khan and Roshan Singh were hanged for the Kakori incident.

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